Our mission as a fire safe council:
In the spirit of mutual support and self-reliance, bring together the greater Ridgewood Park area of Mendocino County to build a more fire safe neighborhood; educate about fire prevention and behavior, minimize the loss of life and property by preparing our homes and lands for the eventuality of wildfire, and create a fire resilient community and environment.
We will do this by:
● Educating people about fire prevention, home hardening and ignition zones, and fire evacuation preparation.
● Establish communication systems to inform our community when there is an emergency.
● Establish emergency evacuation routes, procedures, and safe zones in case of a wildfire or other disaster, and develop plans to assist at-risk neighbors and people with mobility issues
If you have any questions about the council, our mission, or if you would like to get involved feel free to email the Ridgewood Fire Safe Council at info@ridgewoodfiresafe.org, or message us on Facebook.